Jan 9, 2014

GoldenTowns Level 11-20+ Overview

Note: X mark sign is not suitable spot for production building. There should be a q1 restaurant beside the city/townhall in order to upgrade it to q5.

Congratulations for reaching Level 11, this stage will test your economic skills on how you can budget your resources and energy consumption. Here are the lists of your objectives on this crucial stage:

#1 Level 5 or Q5 Production Buildings - the six standard production building must be upgraded to q5 in order to save energy.

#2 Happiness 100% - having 100% happiness can easily earn you gold by selling some of your unskilled workers, then the gold can be used to buy energy packs if you like. It can also make all your workers lifespan extend to 60 days.

#3 Conserve Energy - save as much as you can since energy packs are quiet expensive. When repairing your building it would be wise to wait for 85% degradation to save energy. If there is a dying worker in a factory, don't operate it because it can disrupt the process when it dies and you will not only lose energy but also time.

#4 Build q5 production building according to this ratio:
                                                                        Vegetable Farm    3   
                                                                         Meat Farm          2    
                                                                         Wood Factory     1.5    
                                                                         Stone Factory      1.5    
                                                                         Iron Factory        1    
                                                                         Clay Factory       1    

For every 3 vegetable farms there should be; 2 meat farm, 1.5 wood factory, 1.5 stone factory, 1 iron factory and 1 clay factory. This is to balance the production cost since 1 q5 clay factory need 80 meat, 80 wood, 80 stone and 80 iron in order to produce 350 clay (tax deducted). The rest you can calculate it by yourself depending on the number of your factories operational cost.

This is all I can share because all of it are pretty redundant just like the guide in Level 1-10. Just continue where you left and proceed to upgrading all production buildings to q5, acquiring 100% happiness, save your energy, and build a balance production factories. Always remember that this is just only a game so have fun and enjoy!


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  1. Thanks for the guide!

  2. Are you going to do a more detailed tutorial like the first one?

    Thanks for the tutorials, they are very helpfull

  3. Please do a step by step tutorial for Level 11-20 like the first one.

  4. I'm afraid this will be my last guide since I have no idea what to build next after reaching this stage. Just try to reach 100% happiness asap so you can manually sell your resources on the market instead of competing from other players on gold mining.

  5. Could you do a "detalied" printscreen with your farms and buildings please? I completed the first tuturial and now I am afraid that I build buildings in wrong places...

    1. That is my actual town on the illustration above. Production building can be placed anywhere since it does not require area of influence. While luxury building and others like police station, fire station, hospital etc. should be place strategically like the one above.

  6. Can you please make a guide abut goldmine ?
    How many Goldmines to build ?
    On wich place ?
    Something like at level 10 1 Goldmine on level 20 3 Goldmine....

    1. As an average player we only need a single goldmine due to high price of gold extraction and it can be place anywhere along the road. Or if you manage to get 100% happiness then you may not need it anymore since it is more profitable to sell your resources directly compared to mine at 6400 or 12800 extraction.

  7. Nice guide.... where you able to withdraw any moeny till now ?

    1. Thanks mate. Yes, I already withdrawn a few times using Paypal as payment option. The withdrawal process is very fast if the reseller is online and it will only take 5-10 minutes.

  8. What do u mean by 1.5 wood factory ?
    Can you please explain it by the Way Nice Guide

    1. I think it means 1 q5 + 1 q4. Coz that will give around 1.5 times the amount of a single q5 factory

  9. Thank you Yeahboy for this detailed tutorial! I just started the game yesterday and was lucky to find your blog, before I made too much mistakes. :)

    1. You are welcome mate, just follow the simple steps and everything will be in good order.

  10. Hey mate! Can you make just picture of all buildings and names on it.. Few screen shots! Betwen casino and brothel i dont know what is it. and in right corner...

    Few screen shots with clear name of buildings :)
    Thanks my friend!

    1. The building between casino and brothel is an under construction q10 house.

  11. Something about town shares? Can't find info about it

    1. I am not a fan of townshares trading since it is quiet a gamble buying and selling. I lost some gold on it and I am not sure if there is any strategy I can discuss with it.

  12. It does not require area of influence. While luxury building and others like police station, fire station, hospital etc. should be place strategically like the one above.
    I also have so many Games in my Android Tablet PC, I like to spend my spare time in plying these games.

  13. Thanks for the post, man. It's been key to me, particularly in the firsts steps.

    I only have one question: I don't see how you managed to upgrade the town hall. I don't see any services or luxury buildings nearby. My problem might be that, as I'm still in level 8 I can't recognise which of the buildings in the picture is the high level townhall. Is it in the place it was at the beginning of the game, or you just moved it from there?

    Thanks, again

  14. Hey, what building is between brothel and casino seems to be the last and I've written above it, thanks in advance

  15. That is a q10 house under renovation.

  16. thanks for great Tutorial
    can u tell what is the benefit of graveyard and if we upgrade it then what will be benefit

    1. At the moment we only need q1 graveyard since upgrading it will not benefit to the other buildings. It says on the FAQ that graveyard keep those dead workers.

  17. hello, in your main picture the " X mark sign is not suitable spot for production building" why you think that?? where you recommend to do it... thank you...

  18. hi
    Thanks for the guide
    I have one question about upgrade buildings if u don't mind pleas answer me
    I just want to know how to upgrade town hall to the next level if I want to build town like yours?!i mean for upgrade town hall to get to this point it most be under the influence area of another building like police station or fire hall too so how could you upgrade your towns hall to level5??!!

  19. radnica-->policajna stanica.takže ak nemá policajná stanica dosah na radnicu musiš upgrade policajnú stanicu alebo postav vedľa radnice policajnú stanicu

  20. Hi! Your tutorial is great! I will definitely follow it. I have just one question, if I had enough gold, where I do convert or exchange it to euro?

  21. Hello YEAHBOY, I really like your tutorial. But I would like to ask you how much money do you earn daily on average with this current appearance of your town? (Well, maybe not already current, let's say with this appearance on this site.)

  22. I play this game for a while now. I am close to 60% happiness now and all production buildings are level 5 and i have 2 warehouses 1 is level 4 and another is level 2.

    The production buildings say that you can earn 500 resources in 48 hours at level 5. but when i collect the resources they only give me like 300 or sometghing.

    How does this work? why do i get only half the resources that they say?

    The plan is to get 6 veggiefarms, 4 meat farms and 2 of all the others like stone and clay.

    but when they don't pay out the resources then why should i bother.
    also i think selling unskilled workers is more effective way to make gold. you can make 8 unskilled workers in 24 hours and sell them on market. is a lot more gold then goldmine will make.

    1. Your problem with resources is due to more things. First thing: You have to pay taxes for everything you get from your factories and farms to the budget of your country. The taxes are relatively high, I think it's almost 150/500 pieces of resources you mine.
      Second thing: You are probably under occupation. In this case you are obliged to pay to the conquerer 10% of mined resources = 50.
      You can eliberate your town - just build barracks and train some attack soldiers. But don't forget to buy also some defense ones before eliberating, otherwise you will have your conquerer back soon.
      Good luck. :)

  23. By the way... would you like to buy my account? I offer it to you - I discovered that I wouldn't have enough time to play the game during university studies.
    My account is currently on level 14 (almost 15) and I follow the same strategy like you. I already have: 4 vegetable farms, 3 meat farms, 2 wood factories, and one factory of all the others. One disadvantage: You will have to eliberate my town, but I already have barracks, so it wouldn't be so much work.
    The price: 4 euro. What do you think?

  24. is it still worth for play? I just begin

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